
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

living the country life...

Hello, and welcome...
I'm Maureen from eclectic revisited, filling in for Barbara while she's on the Grand Tour..
ok, she's not exactly on the grand tour..more like le petit tour...
I have been featuring French Country decorating all this week..
simply stunning examples of a slower and more relaxed lifestyle that's
reflected in this beautiful style...

..meals taken with the whole family, not on the go...
several courses served..with wine and home made bread...

time spent together with family and friends..
slow relaxing weekends..
a little work done in the gardens..


images: art&decoration


  1. I can't get over how amazing this first image is of the stone pool house, lush green grass and chaise lounges around the pool...
    a little slice of heaven..


  2. *** Maureen~ How uber-charming! Annnnd, how nice of you to fill in for Barbara... YOU DO IT SO BEAUTIFULLY, too!

    Thank you, Maureen... and whenever Barbara reads this, "Welcome home! Know you had a GREAAAAT time!"...............

    Linda in AZ *

  3. P.S. I "W*A*N*T" THAT STONE POOL-HOUSE by OUR pool!!! Heaven knows I've shown my sweetie ENOUGH photos along that line... maybe THIS one will "work"! Thanks***

  4. Thank you so much Linda - I had a beautiful blog to come home to thanks to Maureen! The first image of the pool, etc. was a bit like where I was all last week - but Italian style. :)

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