
Friday, July 15, 2011

More Flea Market Fun!

Just a quick post today, since I have been busy at another flea market!  I found more beautiful items, in preparation for Linen Haus, my new online shop that will be opening soon.  Take a look: 

This large copper vessel has a beautiful patina that isn't easy to appreciate in a photo, but trust me it has a lot of character!  I show it here holding firewood, but it would also make a great planter, a container for blankets next to the fire in winter or even an ice/beverage bucket for an outdoor summer party.  It reminds me a lot of the beautiful Smith and Hawken products when they were in business....

A series of vintage books from 1929. 
They are in excellent condition with beautiful binding, gold embossing,
ribbon page markers and a beautiful aqua blue color.

I love the sculptural quality of these mid-century candle holders.  It is a set of 6 and the pieces can be separated and arranged in many, many ways.  So versatile!  These would look amazing arranged running down a dining room table, on a mantel or on top of coffee table books in any number of configurations!

I found a few more treasures and will be at another
market tomorrow, so more to come! 

I would love any feedback you have on these products or what else you might be looking for.  Please let me know by leaving a comment or emailing me at


  1. oohh..what lovely pieces...Barbara, you have a good! the copper vessel...a real work of art..and the books are the most gorgeous the ribbon on them, very nice accent..and those candle holders are quite unusual, but would be a great addition to any decor..
    so much fabulousness!!!...
    1st dibs on the books!!! :)

  2. So exciting that you are opening up your shop...can't wait. I am sure its going to reflect your beautiful eclectic style. Great pieces that you have shown!

  3. Those candle holders are so amazing and unique! I'm looking forward to the shop if there is more where that came from! Have a great weekend! (c:

  4. Wonderful pieces that you have for your collection! Hope the market goes well. XO Angela and Renee

  5. Wonderful pieces. You have such an eye. Have a great weekend.

  6. I can't wait to see your shop Barbara! I've also been meaning to tell you how much I love your blog design. I've been working on my sidebar, trying to get it to look as clean as yours - it's perfect!


Thanks for your comments - I love hearing from you!