
Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Bird's Eye View...

I am definitely *not* a gardener, but I do like container gardening, urban living and dining al fresco.  All of those combined mean that I am the perfect candidate for a rooftop terrace and/or garden.  To me it's the perfect compromise between city living and a bit of green space to call one's own.  Setting price aside for the moment, I'd take any of these and enjoy it thoroughly!

 via notetosarah on tumblr

via Design Sponge

Celerie Kimble

via Lufthansa Magazine

What about you? 
Do you prefer a sprawling country garden, a suburban manicured yard,
or a city spot like these?


  1. I definitely think there is something special about rooftop city gardens! I know Germany has some amazing ones too! Container gardening can be a little easier too!

  2. love gardens of all sorts...but as a horticulturist, I am especially interested in large estate gardens which have their fair share of containerized plants as the plants on these rooftop terraces..what a wonderful idea!

  3. I love a beautiful garden...but if I lived in the city I would definitely do something like this. I just have to be able to enjoy the outdoors.

  4. I have never had a rooftop garden, but there is something really appealing about it to me. Maybe that it is sort of enclosed and can't sprawl on forever. Whenever I look outside all I see is the TONS of gardening I should be doing!

  5. I pinned that last image with the earthy saltillo tile and white. Gorgeous. I'm a small space girl through and through. So a small deck or patio with containers definitely does it for me!

  6. Wonderful!
    You are really nice guy.


Thanks for your comments - I love hearing from you!