
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Idea of Perfection: The Dining Room

A while back I did posts on my ideas for the perfect laundry room, master bathroom and master bedroom.  It was fun to put together and a great way to compile the cream of the crop from all of the design inspirations I have been gathering over the last several years.  Up next:  my ideal dining room! So here goes...

One thing that is a must if/when we build our dream home is for the dining room to double as a library.  I love the coziness it provides, plus I think the room would get so much more use if we could use it to spread out great research materials, big atlases to plan trips, etc.  (Yes, I'm ignoring technology -- there's nothing like really opening a REAL book, is there?)

Library/Dining room

The art, the natural light and the ladder really make the room!  I'd quiet it down a bit with a bit less going on, but I definitely love this feel...

pedestal dining room table 
A large pedestal table with plenty of room to accommodate extended family and friends...

Linen slip-covered chairs add so much style.  
Typically I'd choose a neutral, but I think these are particularly nice!

large canvas
A large, abstract statement piece would add some contrast to the room.

polished nickel, 22x22
Interesting lighting like this, perhaps with three in a row...or:

honeycomb blown glass pendant lamp
A grouping of five of these, hung at various heights (all above eye level of course)...or:

wow - what a warm room and that chandelier!
All out like this!

I hope you enjoyed this little mind-share.  Thoughts?


  1. Hi walls of books in a dining room, just gorgeous and so cozy. I love the idea you would be more apt to visit often if theres another reason to go.....beautiful!

  2. The last image is stunning and one of my all time favorites! Beautiful rooms, Barbara.
    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Barbara! I'll second that dream of having a library/dining room. I've always thought that would make such a wonderful, cozy space. Love, love, love the chandelier in the last photo. Hope all is well with you. We need to catch up soon! XO

  4. I love the second image, but I am trying to move toward that look myself. I am tired of my windsor chairs! Would love some linen covered chairs just like that!

  5. ooooh that interesting lighting. gives me an idea. can't share yet. but wow.

    you know i am diggin that huge abstract with the luscious colors!

    smiles, my friend.


  6. Wonderful idea Barbara .. I agree, we may be more likely to use the space if it serves also as a library.

  7. No surprise here, but just like Teresa, the last is one of my favorite images ever. Beautiful post!

  8. The last one is certainly gorgeous, just like the first! We all want a formal dining room that's warm and cozy. At least I do! I'm slowly getting there, but we still don't use the room. Instead we use the kitchen table. Oh well. One day.

    Have you had a chance to check out, yet, Barbara?
    Take care, Barbara

  9. Love the library idea. Especially if it could be pulled off in a less forma way. The formal dining room seems to fading into the past these days and to find ways to bring it back in another form letting it do double duty (and probably not it's primary function) makes perfect sense!

    Oh, the last chandelier shot - Yummy!!!


  10. Barbara, love the library idea in the dinning room. I also adore that large blue painting.

  11. So beautiful. I love the first image with all of the books lining the walls -- cozy. If we ever get another dining table, it will for sure be pedestal. One of my great frustrations with our drop leaf table is all of the "legs" which get in the way of legs! And a good upholstered chair always invites people to linger, doesn't it?

  12. Love the library; love the chairs in the second image, but would prefer a natural linen slip ala John Saladino with a lavender band at the bottom. Love, love, love the elaborate chandelier in the last image. Put all three of those choices together and you would have one fabulous dining room.

  13. Library dining rooms are so cozy and the books add so much texture to a space. I love the idea of using a formal dining room for another purpose most of the time. Great inspiration photos!

  14. Good information here. I will post these information to my facebook page. It is really very informative for others.


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