
Sunday, December 23, 2012


We'll be seeing the Nutcracker today, and I am very excited!  What little girl doesn't dream of sugar plum fairies?  

All of that sweetness has inspired today's post about sugared fruit. It makes such an elegant addition to a party and it's so, so, so easy to do!  I sugared pears and grapes as part of a buffet for a holiday party we had in Munich a few years ago and they were a big hit.  Enjoy these beautiful inspirations!

sugared fruit

Sugared fruit--beautiful centerpiece

Sugared Fruit

sugared fruit
How gorgeous would that be for a winter wedding?

sugared fruit

Sugared fruit is great for Christmas but would also be very elegant for a New Year's Eve Party or a dinner party in January. Have you tried this before?  If not, are you inspired?

Also, I'd like to thank my wonderful Pacific NW-based blogging friends for participating in the Pacific NW Holidays series.  I enjoyed it so much and my readers did too. Thank you ladies!!!


  1. This brings back so many fond memories. My mom used to sugar fruit for a display at Christmas and I'd forgotten about it. You really don't see it anymore. These are some beautiful examples that should inspire people to bring it back.

    Merry Christmas, Barbara!

  2. ah yes, i remember those! what a lovely reminder
    wishing you a very merry christmas and blessings for 2013

  3. Merry Christmas Barbara!

    That cake with the sugared fruit is to die for!

  4. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! xo


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