
Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Swedish Spaces

This is the last in my series about Scandinavian Design until after we return from our trip.  A week from tomorrow we'll be on a plane to Copenhagen!  Today I put together some more beautiful Swedish designs, but before we go there... 

In light of our upcoming trip including Norway, I wanted to take a moment to recognize
the terrible tragedy that happened there last Friday. 
My sincere thoughts and sympathies are with all of the victims' families.

Now, on to lighter topics:

via ApartmentDezign Blog

This room reminds me of my post on Effortless Design
I love this look!

Veranda Magazine
This house is actually in Texas, but I love this interpretation of Swedish design!

via Skeppsholmen Realty
Simplicity at its best.  And, what a cool chair...

Veranda Magazine
Beautiful, right?  I thought so too.

You can find more posts about Scandinavian design here, here, here, here, here and here.

By the way, my parents arrive from the US tomorrow, so my posts may be a bit light in the next week
or so as we enjoy our time together.  
I'm sure I'll put out a few posts in between visiting though.  I can't resist.  :)

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. I just love the clean and crisp looks of these rooms! Jealous of your trip, I can't wait to see your pictures. Enjoy the visit from the parents!

  2. beautiful the light filled rooms and how it adds just the right amount of whimsy... gorgeous pics..
    and yes, my heart goes out to all the families of the victims of the senseless tragedy,..
    sending prayers..

  3. Love Swedish design, my very first real piece of adult furniture was from a Nordic furniture store and I was so attracted to the blonde woods and clean lines, its a very soothing kind of decor and these pictures illustrate that beautifully!

  4. Oh, what a lovely post for my monday morning! I love how everything feel simple, relaxing and calming.

    Have a blessed week!


    Luciane at

  5. Oh, what a lovely post for my monday morning! I love how everything feel simple, relaxing and calming.

    Have a blessed week!


    Luciane at

  6. Oooo...that last bench is just so awesome...I love the scale and the simplicity! And I am praying for all those poor people in Norway that have been affected by this tragedy, too

  7. Love the Scandinavian series! Their design is so modern, but also very warm! Have fun on your trip!

    Tiffany {Living Savvy}

  8. I just love that little office space...simple yet cozy.

  9. Will miss your posts next week, but I hope you enjoy every minute with your parents and take a well-deserved break!

  10. Your shop looks like it's going to be wonderful! Please let me know when it's up and running! :)

  11. Have a wonderful time with your family. I've loved these swedish posts. Mary

  12. Enjoy your parents visit. Love these designs, they are so clean! Lots of great light too! Enjoy family time.

  13. Oh that last image is melting my heart, beautiful and what a lovely note on the tragedies!! xx Thanks for all the lovely comments recently sorry taken so long to write back but I have been reading xx

  14. Lovely - I think my favorite is the shot from Veranda. Yes, so horrible what happened in Norway - what a tragedy all due to the crazed delusions of one sick person!!

  15. I really like the simplicity of scandinavian design. Enjoy the time with your family :)

  16. Have a wonderful time with your parents!

  17. We love this look. The house two images from the Veranda are several of our favorite spaces. The blue doors or shutters leaning against the wall make such a wonderful statement in that room!
    Just beautiful. Have a great visit with your family!!
    Angela and Renee

  18. Love Swedish design. The Shannon Bowers kitchen is a favorite of mine. These are all beautiful images.


Thanks for your comments - I love hearing from you!