Happy Earth Day!
{Pinterest} |
I love everything to do with maps and globes - I'm sure because of my obsession with discovering the world - so I always notice when they are used in a room, as a gift item, or in some other creative way. In celebration of Mother Earth, here are a few beautiful images that use globes and maps beautifully!
{via Color Gypsy Blog} |
I love the use of turquoise here - there is so much energy in this room!
{Jay Jeffers} |
Elegant and Traditional - lovely.
{via Love of Interiors Blog} |
Using globes and/or maps in a family space or child's room is such an easy to
way to start casual, playful conversations about geography and history.
{Juxtaposition Home} |
OK so this is JUST a globe, but I'd love to get my hands on it - it
looks like it would be a stuning one.
{Bobby McAlpine via Eclectic Revisited Blog} |
A gorgeous room (I especially love the chairs) where the globe takes center stage.
What a conversation starter that would be...
{Darryl Carter} |
Old World-style rooms are an easy fit with globes.
{Kendall Wilkinson} |
They are also killer as part of a tablescape.
What an inspiring setting for an office!
I discovered this great stationary on the French version of etsy.com.
It would be great to use with faraway friends and family!
I'm wondering if this look could be recreated by framing some high quality map wrapping paper...just a thought. I'm quite sure that's NOT what MetHome did. :)
I'd like to grow my collection of globes, so they are always on my mental shopping list.
I have my fingers crossed for my search at the markets over the next few months!